Why Every Emergency Kit Needs A Fire Steel Striker In Washington

byAlma Abell

The odds are good that the world will not wake up some morning to discover that zombies are staggering through the streets. Unfortunately, it is equally possible that some other disaster could result in a world that is equally as dangerous. People need to be prepared whether it is the risk of long term problems like civil war or financial collapse or the temporary disruption of modern conveniences due to severe weather or those occasions when a short hike or camping trip does not go as planned. This is why everyone should have on hand the supplies needed to produce fire. In an emergency situation there is nothing more valuable than a warm, crackling fire.

• A hearty flame provides the warmth needed to keep body temperatures stable.


• The heat makes it fast and easy to dry out clothing as well as any wet materials needed for a shelter.

• Fires give necessary light during the night and makes campsites more comfortable on dark days.

• It deters many dangerous predators and keeps away insects.

• Fire produces smoke that can act as a signal to family and friends or to rescue teams.

• It is needed to cook food and to purify water.

A Fire Steel Striker in Washington is a necessity. Rubbing sticks together is exhausting and usually only successful with very dry materials. Lighters and matches are vulnerable to moisture and will eventually run out. In addition, there may not be adequate dry materials available to help start the blaze. A Zombie Tinder and starter kit and a steel striker makes it easy to start a fire quickly and in any type of environment. A Fire Steel Striker in Washington is not the only item that should be in a survival kit, but it may be the most important one. Strikers and tinder are items that are a sensible first purchase when beginning a survival preparedness collection.

Building this type of kit is something everyone should do no matter where they live. It is inexpensive, takes up very little room to store and could be life-saving in certain circumstances. Visit the website to learn more about survival and emergency preparedness supplies.