Get More Free Traffic To Your Website Now

By JD Cole

There’s nothing worse than getting your website set up, having a terrific product to market, setting up your email responders, and waiting for the traffic to start rolling in – only to realize that no one is coming.

You may be tempted to pay for your advertising, but unless you really know what your are doing it can empty your wallet fast. Here are some ways to get free traffic to your website fast.

The first thing you have to do is make sure you have optimized your website properly. Good SEO is the heart of a successful website, everything else should just support and revolve around it. For best results, choose one main keyword per page and go from there. If you aren’t implementing good SEO strategies, everything else you do to get traffic to your site will only be half as effective as it could be.


Another important strategy of getting more free traffic is to make have enough original content. Free traffic is all about where your site is showing up during search engine searches. If you have duplicate content everywhere on your site, you can bet that Google and other search engines will filter you’re your duplicate content web pages as quickly as you publish them. In order to rank well, and get great organic free traffic, you need to have original content on your site. Syndicated content or nabbing articles for reprint will thicken up your site as far as information goes, but won’t do much for free organic traffic.

Article marketing is also a key tool in getting traffic to your site – but some sites aren’t as powerful as others because of one simple fact: the ‘do-follow’ link. If you are submitting awesome articles that aren’t spinned, make sure the directory is a do-follow directory. There are a lot of directories out there who are ‘no-follow,’ which means that although you may get traffic to your site from article views and syndication, one important perk of article submission is missing: getting that important one-way backlink to your site. A well written article in a do-follow directory can get you free traffic by providing a backlink to your website, an opportunity to the reader to seek more information by the clicking the link in your resource box, as well as the opportunity for syndication of your articles, which will give your website additional exposure and the potential for additional traffic from your resource box. Submitting just a great article isn’t enough, however. Be sure to include a call to action in your resource box area with your anchor text being one of your keywords, or readers may not be encouraged to click on it. Just saying, ‘click here’ for more information not only takes away from the power your link would have if it included your keyword, but also that it doesn’t compel on its own a reason to act.

The last suggestion for truly free traffic is one that the average person misses -and that is of being a guest contributor or poster on another website. Sometimes its not easy to find websites that want guest contributors, but if you check forums and browse social sites for people who are looking for guest writers, you may be surprised how many you find. At the very least you should be able to get a link from your writer’s profile, but some sites even allow you to post your site link information at the bottom of your article, just as article directories would allow in their resource box. As long as the content remains true to the site your are writing on and doesn’t come off as a press release or advertisement, many websites are open to having guest contributors – even smaller news sites can be great tools because of the continual traffic.

The bottom line is there are a number of ways to obtain the free traffic you need to get your site moving up the SERP chart. The difference between the web pages on page one of Google and the others? They take advantage of every opportunity to promote their sites – have you?

About the Author: If you are interested in becoming a

guest contributor

or writing an article to get a ‘do=follow’ backlink to your website, visit

for more information J.D. Cole is the author of this article is an editor and writer for


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